Counselors & Clinical Supervisors
RICB offers three certifications that are prerequisites for licensing: CADC, CAADC & CCS.
In order to obtain OR renew your license, your CADC, CAADC and/or CCS must remain active and in good standing. Licenses are renewed in October of even years. License renewal is done through the Rhode Island Department of Health, Chemical Dependency Licensing Board. RICB does random checks throughout the year to verify those who are licensed have also renewed their certification(s). If a professional is found to be out of compliance, their name will be submitted to the Licensing Board.
Licenses (LCDP & LCDCS) are obtained through the Department of Health, Board of Chemical Dependency Professionals. Questions regarding the licenses should be directed to the Department of Health. For more information on licensing, visit the Department of Health's Chemical Dependency Profession website
RICB promotes public protection by developing and offering competency-based credentials.
What We Do
RICB currently offers certifications in counseling, peer recovery, clinical supervisor, prevention, community health and doulas. Through certification professionals demonstrate their expertise, dedication, and commitment to public protection.
RICB develops and maintains ethical standards and procedures that certified professionals must uphold.
RICB emphasizes the importance and value of certification through initiatives that support professional growth and development of the workforce.
RICB collaborates with related local, state, and national organizations and governmental entities to advance the knowledge, skills and abilities of the workforce.
Who We Are
RICB is led by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of credentialed professionals.
Contact RICB

Mail: RICB | 298 S. Progress Avenue | Harrisburg, PA 17109
Fax: 717.540.4458
IC&RC Member Board
RICB is a member of IC&RC, the global leader in the credentialing of prevention, addiction treatment, and recovery professionals. Organized in 1981, it provides standards and examinations to certification and licensing boards in 24 countries, 47 states and territories, five Native American regions, and all branches of the U.S. military.